Mosman 3D Dental

When Do Kids’ Teeth Erupt and Fall Out?

Teething and losing teeth are normal parts of every childhood. Most children have 20 primary (baby) teeth by the age of 3 and start to lose their teeth by the age of 6 or 7. These are replaced by the permanent (adult) teeth, which usually finish erupting around the age of 13, followed by the wisdom teeth in their late teens or early 20s.

These are only averages, and many kids grow or lose their teeth earlier or later. If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s teeth, talk to our family dentists in Mosman today.

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When do teeth first erupt?

A tooth “erupts” when it emerges through the gum. Teeth normally come through in pairs on the left and right side of the mouth, but different types of teeth grow at different times.

Some babies get their first teeth after just a few months, while others might not start teething until after their first birthday. However, the general timing and order of teeth eruption is as follows:

  • Lower central incisors: 6–10 months
  • Upper central incisors: 8–12 months
  • Upper lateral incisors: 9–13 months
  • Lower lateral incisors: 10–16 months
  • Upper first molars: 13–19 months
  • Lower first molars: 14–18 months
  • Upper canines: 16–22 months
  • Lower canines: 17–23 months
  • Lower second molars: 23–31 months
  • Upper second molars: 25–33 months

Teething may sometimes be painful or worrying for children, but this can be eased with teething toys, age-appropriate pain relief, and plenty of love and care.

When do teeth start to fall out?

From around the age of 6, teeth start to become loose and fall out one by one as the permanent teeth grow through the jaw to replace them. Older kids will also grow a few extra teeth now that their jaws are larger and can accommodate more teeth.

The order in which teeth fall out and are replaced is similar but not identical to the order in which they first erupted:

  • First molars: 6–7 years
  • Central incisors: 6–8 years
  • Lateral incisors: 7–8 years
  • Canine teeth: 9–13 years
  • Premolars: 9–13 years
  • Second molars: 11–13 years

The last teeth to grow are the third molars (wisdom teeth) at the back of the mouth, which generally appear between the age of about 17–21. However, some people don’t get all of their wisdom teeth or may not have any.

If your child finds losing their teeth upsetting, you can reassure them that their new teeth will come along soon. Pain or swelling may be relieved using appropriate medication or a cold pack.

Teeth may fall out naturally up to 2 years earlier or later than average without being a cause for concern. It’s important to have regular dental check-ups twice a year so your child’s dentist can check that their teeth are developing normally and respond to any issues early.

See a kids’ dentist in Mosman

Our friendly and experienced team at Mosman 3D Dental see patients of all ages, from babies and toddlers having their first time in the dentist’s chair to older teens and adults. To make an appointment at our family dental clinic, call (02) 9969 8610 or book online.