Mosman 3D Dental

What Can I Do About Receding Gums?

Have your gums started to pull back from your teeth? Gum recession happens when the gum tissue wears down, exposing more of the teeth and their sensitive roots. This can increase your risk of oral health problems, including sensitivity and sometimes even tooth loss.

Despite what many people think, receding gums are not a natural part of ageing, but they may have a number of causes. Your dentist will aim to determine what’s causing your gums to recede so they can recommend suitable treatments and prevention.

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What are the signs of receding gums?

You might notice your gums visibly receding if your teeth look longer than normal, but as this usually occurs gradually, it may not be noticed for some time. Another common sign is teeth feeling more sensitive to temperature, as the more sensitive roots may be exposed.

Other symptoms of gum recession and related conditions can include:

  • Feeling a ‘notch’ where a tooth meets the gum
  • Red, sore or swollen gums
  • Gums bleeding when you brush or floss
  • Bad breath
  • Teeth feeling loose

Receding gums can’t heal themselves. If the underlying cause isn’t treated, your gums may continue to wear down. This can allow bacteria in plaque to build up around the teeth, increasing your risk of gum disease. If too much gum tissue is lost, teeth can lose support and may become loose or fall out.

What causes gum recession?

There is no single cause of receding gums. Risk factors include:

  • Improper tooth brushing: Brushing your teeth too roughly or using a hard toothbrush can damage the gums.
  • Gum disease: Plaque that builds up around the gum line can lead to gingivitis, which can develop into more serious periodontitis if it’s not treated by a dentist.
  • Misaligned teeth: Orthodontic issues such as crooked teeth can put uneven pressure on the teeth and gums.
  • Teeth grinding: Teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism) can cause the teeth and gums to wear down.
  • Smoking: Tobacco use is associated with increased plaque and poor oral health.
  • Mouth piercings: Lip or tongue piercings may irritate and wear down the gum tissue.
  • Age: People over 40 are more likely to have receding gums, because of accumulated age-related risk factors.
  • Hormonal changes: Changes in hormone levels during pregnancy and other times can make gums more vulnerable to gum disease and recession.
  • Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions and medications may also increase related risk factors.

Can receding gums be treated?

If you think your gums may be receding, it’s important to see a dentist. They will examine your mouth and ask questions to help them identify the cause, so they can discuss effective treatments.

  • If gum recession is in its early stages, it may be treated by oral hygiene treatments and deep cleaning to remove bacteria from under the gum tissue.
  • If gum recession is more advanced, your dentist may recommend surgery, such as a gum graft to rebuild the lost gum tissue.

Whichever approach is used, it’s vital that you take good care of your oral hygiene with good brushing and flossing habits and a healthy diet, and try to lower your risk factors to prevent gum recession from worsening.

Talk to a Mosman dentist today

If you’re worried about receding gums or any other concerns, make an appointment with our experienced dentists at Mosman 3D Dental. Call our friendly team on (02) 9969 8610 or make an online booking and we’ll schedule your visit at the earliest convenient time.